International Students

New country. New opportunity. Here's how you can become a Kelley.

The Kelley School of Business cherishes our diverse student population. Today, more than 50 countries are represented at our business school, located in Indiana's metropolitan capitol. Below you'll find the requirements needed to begin your Kelley journey.

Direct Admit Requirements

If you're an international student who's applying to Kelley Indianapolis directly out of high school, and your SAT or ACT scores aren't available, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be admitted to IU Indianapolis
  • Overall 90 percent on your high school transcript
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 80 or IELTSA score of 6.5 or Pearson score of 55

If you have your SAT or ACT scores, you're eligible to be directly admitted to Kelley if you meet the following criteria:

  • Admitted to IU Indianapolis
  • Overall 90 percent on the high school transcript
  • Minimum of 1170 on the SAT (Math score of 530 or higher + Evidence Based Reading and Writing section score) or composite ACT score of 24 or higher with a score of 21 or higher on the Math section

Note: The Kelley School will accept students' highest OLD SAT score or highest NEW SAT score but cannot combine a section from the old exam with a section from the new exam.

Apply for International Admission

For fall admission, apply to IU Indianapolis by March 1. For spring admission, apply to IU Indianapolis by October 1.

Transfer Process

If you have taken courses at an international institution, you must apply to IU Indianapolis through the Office of International Affairs.

Once the Office of International Affairs has admitted you and transferred your credits, email Kelley Indianapolis' international student academic advisor to review your records and determine what you need for admission to Kelley Indianapolis.

During my years at Kelley, I had the chance to learn from great professors and to work with classmates in multiple, real-life projects. I'm confident entering the business field with professional communication skills and financial acumen.

Faisal Alkadi, BS'16, Saudi Arabian student

Come visit our beautiful campus.

Nestled in the heart of downtown, IU Indianapolis is a vibrant campus that offers limitless opportunities to its students. Year-round internships. Diversity. World-renowned faculty. It's truly a remarkable place.

Come see for yourself

IUPUI campus near University Library.